Key Flexfield Label Integration
Certain Key Flexfield (KFF) dynamic labelling can be incorporated into report definitions.
Supported Key Flexfields
General Ledger | Accounting Flexfield | GL# | KFF$GL#$SEGMENT1 |
General Ledger | GL Ledger Flexfield | GLLE | KFF$GLLE$SEGMENT1 |
Assets | Category Flexfield | CAT# | KFF$CAT#$SEGMENT1 |
Assets | Asset Key Flexfield | KEY# | KFF$KEY#$SEGMENT1 |
Assets | Location Flexfield | LOC# | KFF$LOC#$SEGMENT1 |
Receivables | Territory Flexfield | CT# | KFF$CT#$SEGMENT1 |
Inventory/Purchasing | Item Categories** | MCAT | KFF$MCATITEM$SEGMENT1 |
Inventory/Purchasing | PO Item Category ** | MCAT | KFF$MCATPO$SEGMENT1 |
Inventory | System Items | MSTK | KFF$MSTK$SEGMENT1 |
HR (per) | Position Flexfield | POS | KFF$POS$SEGMENT3 |
HR (per) | Job Flexfield | JOB | KFF$JOB$SEGMENT3 |
** The Inventory “Item Category” KFF is seeded with two structures, Item Categories and PO Item Category. These are the only supported structures for the Item Category KFF.
Applying the label to the Report Definition SQL
Apply the label as the alias for the KFF segment columns that are in the Select part of the SQL.
SELECT dh_out.book_type_code "Book Type Code",
a.asset_number "Asset Number",
a.asset_id "Asset Id",
dh_out.rowid "Row Id",
dh_out.distribution_id "Id",
dh_out.transaction_units "Trans Units",
dh_out.units_assigned "Units",
th_out.transaction_type_code "Transtype",
dh_out.transaction_header_id_in "Transaction Header Id",
dh_out.location_id "Location Id",
dh_out.assigned_to "Assigned To",
dh_out.code_combination_id "Code Combination Id",
c.segment1 KFF$GL#$SEGMENT1,
c.segment2 KFF$GL#$SEGMENT2,
c.segment3 KFF$GL#$SEGMENT3,
c.segment4 KFF$GL#$SEGMENT4,
c.segment5 KFF$GL#$SEGMENT5,
c.segment6 KFF$GL#$SEGMENT6,
l.segment1 KFF$LOC#$SEGMENT1$Location,
l.segment2 KFF$LOC#$SEGMENT2$Location,
l.segment3 KFF$LOC#$SEGMENT3$Location,
l.segment4 KFF$LOC#$SEGMENT4$Location,
l.segment5 KFF$LOC#$SEGMENT5$Location,
dh_out.transaction_header_id_out "Transaction Header Id Key",
dh_out.last_update_date "Last Update Date",
dh_out.last_updated_by "Last Updated By",
dh_out.last_update_login "Last Update Login"
fa_distribution_history dh_out,
fa_transaction_headers th_out,
fa_additions_b a,
fa_locations l,
gl_code_combinations_kfv c
WHERE a.asset_id = dh_out.asset_id
AND dh_out.transaction_header_id_in = th_out.transaction_header_id
AND dh_out.book_type_code = th_out.book_type_code
AND dh_out.asset_id = th_out.asset_id
AND dh_out.location_id = l.location_id (+)
AND dh_out.code_combination_id = c.code_combination_id (+);
Multiple KFF Labels in a single record
If multiple of the same KFF are to be used in a single record, adding and identifier to the end of the label can be used to differentiate. Ie. KFF$GL#$SEGMENT1$Liability