Execute Drilldown
Drilldown allows you to extract additional detail about a specific “Get Balance” function.
- Select a cell that contains a valid Get Balance function.
- Click on the drilldown button.
- A drilldown sheet is created either in the current workbook or in a new one depending on your selected GL Wand User Options.
- If applicable the criteria sheet will be populated with the criteria from the Get Balance function (See the Create Drill Criteria Sheet section for more details and options on the drilldown criteria sheet).
- The drill down to balance detail will be executed showing all the detailed accounts that make up the total in the Get Balance function.
You now have a variety of options which can be performed from the drill down workbook.
- Modify the parameters on the criteria sheet and perform a new drill to balance. Drop down lists are provided for most of the parameters.
- If you have performed a balance drilldown you can select the “Balance” sheet, select one or more rows with accounts and then click the drilldown button to drill to journal details.
- Select the “Journal” or “Journal-Full” sheet, select one or more rows with journal lines and then click the drilldown button to drill to the sub-ledger details.
- Select the “Journal” sheet, select one or more rows with journal lines in the “Drill to Full Journal” column and then click the drilldown button to drill down to the full journal. The full journal with all the contra entries for the selected journal lines will be displayed.
When drilling down you have the following options:
- Double click any cell on the row that you wish to drill down on. This will execute the default drilldown for that row.
- Select any cell in the row that you want to drill down on and click the drilldown button on the toolbar. This will execute the default drilldown for that row.
- Highlight a range of rows and click the drilldown button on the toolbar to drill down on multiple lines at once.
- Highlight non-contiguous rows using the “Ctrl” button and click the drilldown button on the toolbar to drill down on multiple lines which are not adjacent to each other.
- Some drilldown reports have multiple possible drilldown paths e.g. the Journal drilldown can drill to the full journal or to sub-ledger. For a report like this:
- To execute the alternative drilldown path you must select the column which links to that particular drilldown e.g. on the Journal drilldown the drill to full journal is the alternative drilldown path and there is a column which you must select in order to execute this drilldown.
- If you select any other column then the default drilldown will be executed e.g. on the Journal drilldown the drill to sub-ledger is the default drilldown path.
A couple of important things to note about drill downs:
- When you drill down to journal details the “Balance Type” parameter controls how much detail is returned. If this parameter is “PTD” only the current period’s journals are returned. If this parameter is “YTD” then all the journals for the year are returned and likewise “QTD” will show the journal for the quarter.
- It is possible to drilldown through multiple drill levels at once e.g. from a Get Balance formula directly to the Subledger information. See Drill to Journal or Sub Ledger for more detail.
- The drilldown results can be sorted and subtotaled using the Edit Template Layout option.
- You can add calculated columns in Excel in between the drilldown results and these will be refreshed with subsequent drilldowns. See Edit Template Layout for more details.
- You can save a drilldown layout including all Excel formatting and other Excel components like charts and pivot tables for reuse. See Save Template Layout for creating a saved layout and Drill Using a Saved Template for using a previously saved layout.